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Class registration

Please note our SPG policy permits students already in our classes to pre-register for the next class series. There is no preregistration for fall classes.


Albert Community Centre is located at 610 Clarence Avenue, corner of 11th Street. The entrance is from the parking lot into the basement. The classroom is on your right. (see map on contact page) 





To sign up for a class using the Registration site you need to be a "registered user" with the site.

When you click login on the site this image will appear













If you are already a registered user proceed with your login.

To register for the first time click Register Now (at the bottom of the image). You can create a User profile (username and password) even when the registration site is closed.

Please read all the registration information carefully so you are prepared.

  • Online is the only way to register for classes.

  • If you would like to be notified about future classes, email us and ask to be on the notification list.


The current version of our registration site does not operate well using a phone. Use a desktop computer for best result


 1. You can pay by credit card, etransfer, or cheque. If you pay by cheque please deliver the cheque to the Potters Guild, If you want to pay by transfer indicate that you will pay by cheque  (we know this is a little weird)  and after you finish your registration please email us and we will send you the etransfer.information


2.  This registration template is also used by Saskatoon community associations for their programs. Ignore references to membership fees, community associations and any forms to be filled out … there are no forms to be filled.


3.  Once you press ENROLL and then CHECKOUT your seat will be held for you while you work through the registration process in a timely way. Do not rush, but if you stop or close your browser, you will lose your seat. Have your credit card ready if you intend to pay by that method. Answer all the questions so you can move from one step to the next.


4.  When you are into the system, you will see there is an option to add one family member or friend to your registration.You can only add one family member or friend. That registration will only be accepted if there is another open seat in the class.


 IMPORTANT If the system does not allow the second registration, it means all other seats are full. Your own seat is still "saved". If you do not want to take the class by yourself, stop your registration before payment.


If you cannot get into the class you want, email us to have your name added to the waitlist in case of a cancellation. Tell us your first and second choices for classes.


If you have any questions before or after your registration, please email us

Saskatoon Potters Guild

@2017 by Saskatoon Potters Guild created with

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